This season, you can stop periodontal disease in its tracks. Periodontal disease, more commonly referred to as gum disease, happens when the advanced stages of gingivitis have left our gums in such a condition that serious irreversible damage can occur if we do not fight back.
Here are a few questions about gum disease, and answers that can help you protect your smile:
Question: What are some of the symptoms of gum disease?
Answer: You should look for: swollen gums that bleed easily, severe bad breath that is hard to remove, teeth that are sensitive or loose, gums that are pulling back from the teeth, and any conditions that make chewing painful or difficult.
Question: What are some of the risk factors for developing gum disease?
Answer: Risk factors include: smoking or chewing tobacco, hormonal changes typically seen in women and young girls, diabetes, any medications or foods that can cause dry mouth, genetics, and a poor diet.
Question: What are some options to prevent gum disease?
Answer: It is important to brush twice daily. You should also floss daily with dental floss or a dentist-approved flossing device. Also, make sure to attend your regularly scheduled oral exams and visit your dentist for regular professional cleanings.
Our team at SoCalSmiles Dental Office is here to help you with all your oral health care needs. If you would like a check-up and exam with Dr. Alexi Eyvazi, we can be reached by calling 818-345-5286 in Tarzana, California. This holiday season, stop periodontal disease in its tracks by caring for your smile with our help!